Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spring Break Plans...

Need to do:
- Get my driver's license renewed (did I ever mention how much I hate the DMV?)
- Clean house and attempt to catch up on laundry
- Babysit on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, for about 6 hrs/day.
- At least get started on my class that I'm taking

Would LIKE to do if the above all gets finished:
- Hang out with my sis in law & nieces one day to work on above mentioned class and just visit w/them
- Finish my brother's wedding scrapbook. Yeah. It's been 8 months now and it's still not done.
- Clean out the third bedroom (still has some of my uncle's stuff, old unused furniture, and other random stuff)
- Spend an evening out w/Nicole since we haven't just hung out in forever.
- Clean off my front porch/yard/etc. in hopes of making it look less "white trash"-ish. haha.
- Watch some more Army Wives on Netflix. :) I'm so addicted...

Let's see what, if any of that, gets accomplished.

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