School is OUT for the kids- tomorrow is my last day of work! Yay! Then I'm spending the next couple days getting ready for the beach! On Friday we are leaving and heading to the sand and sun of the Outer Banks with my husband's whole family. :) Looking forward to an awesome vacation.
I'm 15 weeks and 2 days today! Ever since I hit the second trimester I feel like things are going by faster!!! I'll go ahead and do my pregnancy update then catch you up on pics and videos at the bottom!
How far along: 15 weeks 2 days
Size of Baby: Avocado (
Total Weight Gain: 5lbs
Maternity Clothes: Yep. Pretty much everything. I can wear a couple pre-preggo shirts and dresses but that's about it!
Gender: We will be finding out hopefully before June is over! I originally thought boy, and intelligender said boy BUT lately I've been feeling girl... I don't know nor do I care whether it's a boy or girl I just want to know!!!
Movement: Felt a few flutters that I THINK are baby this weekend, not 100% convinced yet though ;)
Best thing this week: I'm loving this phase of pregnancy. I feel great!
Sleep: Still good! Not as comfortable on my back though.
What I miss: At this point- NOTHING!
Cravings: Cantaloupe, melons in general, strawberries, Chinese food, and pizza (odd assortment lol)
Symptoms: Dizziness when I stand up from sitting/laying down, some hip/butt bone pain when on my feel all day, some round ligament pain
What I’m looking forward to: Beach trip (not pregnancy related lol), scheduling our first ultrasound and finding out if it's a boy or girl!!!
Catching you up on the pics...

And here are the vlogs, and also our intelligender test results, baby buys, and belly progression!
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