Thursday, June 2, 2011

June is here!

Does anyone else feel like May flew by?  Wow...

I'm sitting here after just preparing for a shopping trip.  I'm trying my hand at some couponing.  Granted I'm no extreme couponer.  Probably couldn't ever be, I refuse to buy something I don't need just because it's on sale.  I also do the Math and if the generic/store brand is cheaper than the brand name with the coupon, I buy the generic.

Basically what I do is every Sunday I clip coupons from the Sunday paper.  And then before I go to the store I log into my Kroger account and load coupons to my card (then print a list so I know what I have).  Then I make a menu for usually two weeks at a time.  I don't make an order of things I just make a list of 12ish things to cook, and the remaining two days we'll either eat out/get a pizza or I always buy a couple quick frozen skillet meals for the days I don't feel like cooking.  Then I go through and check our staples (which in our house includes your basic bread, milk, etc-- and also dog food, dog treats, and stuff for lunches) and add to my list enough of those things to get us through till the next shopping trip.  I also add anything else that I need- like toiletries and such.  Unless I have a coupon, I buy that stuff at Dollar General usually on my way home.  THEN finally I go through my clipped coupons and get out anything I can use and print my digital coupons on my Kroger card, and highlight the coupons I can use on this list.

This is the method I use now.  I'm always interested in other peoples methods of saving money on groceries and couponing and such-- so if you have any suggestions or anything please comment! For anyone who is wondering, we usually spent between $150-$200 every month on groceries/toiletries and that sort of thing.  My goal is to get out of the store for less than or as close to $100 as possible.   

In other news....

I can't believe it's June already!  Soo many things I'm looking forward to this month!  :D

*June 7-  First day of Duke's obedience classes.  Praying that they help and that he doesn't get kicked out LOL.
*June 8-  Last day of school!  Seriously, teachers love summer vacay way more than kids!
*June 4 & 11-  Our first two "big"-ish clogging shows of the summer (an ice cream social and a benefit).  Our performance season is starting :D
*June 14-  I start my summer job.  Babysitting for my favorite kids that I've watched since their daycare days in 2004! (they are second only to my nieces in the fave-kid dept. ;))
*June 19-  We should hopefully know around this time if this month was right for us to get pregnant :)
*June 24-26- Hubby, Duke, and I are heading off for a camping trip for a relaxing getaway/anniversary celebration.
*June 26- Mine & Brew's 1st Anniversary!!!  Sooo crazy, this year has flown by.  But at the same time it's like I can't remember what my life was like without him.  <3

Definitely looking forward to this month & summer in general.

Well I'm off to get my shower & get ready for the store!  Later! :)

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