Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Weekend Recap

Sorry no pics for this, they are all on my camera waiting to be uploaded...

But anyway, here's a recap of our weekend (well, really the past week since it's been a week since I updated...)

{Day off + New Haircut!}  Yep Friday I ended up not working (yay)  I got my hair cut, a little shorter (shoulder length) with layers.  I also met up with Stefani, Bas, and Johannah who were in (see next) and did some shopping and Brew & I went to dinner w/them :)

{The Smits Visit}  My cousins from Germany came in.  We spent Friday evening together (as I mentioned above), then on Saturday we went out to Stefani's parents' house for a get together, and then Monday night we went out to dinner and ice cream with them, then came back to our house for a bit.  It was soooo nice to get to see them! :)  Of course, I miss them already... I hope they can come back for another visit sooner rather than later.  Hannie Jeane will be walking probably by the time we see them again :(  Makes me sad.

{Pay Day!}  I got my awesome paycheck last Friday (with back-pay), and Brew got a paycheck with like 115 hours or something insane like that on it.  So yay for having money!  LOL.  Of course I put a good chunk in savings before we could touch it.  But this whole me working a lot thing is nice.  Gotta keep working on saving though.  Unless I get lucky and get a full time job, I won't have any paid maternity leave so we're starting the saving now for when that time comes!

{MIA from YouTube}  I haven't uploaded any videos in a while.  Oops.  Just been really busy.  I'm working on March and April updates though and hopefully will have them up before the end of May LOL.

Alrighty well that's about it for now.  Ta ta!

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