But I'm wayyy behind on my thankful list so here goes... (and I'll go ahead and add one for tomorrow too!)
18- I'm thankful for modern communication (aka email, internet, skype, cell phones, etc.) My cousin Stefani & her new (growing) family is living in Germany at this time and if it wasn't for any of this modern communication stuff I'd hardly ever get to talk to her! But we are able to email/facebook each other, and I can keep up w/her pregnancy through youtube, not to mention now that my new phone has a skype app I can talk to her on the phone!!! :)
19- My house. Yes it's not much, and we don't own it, but it's a HOUSE. I'm fairly certain if we did not have the opportunity to live in this "family-owned" house of mine, that we'd be stuck in some dinky apartment or house in a not so great neighborhood. We are very fortunate to have this home!
20- The amazing Thanksgiving dinners (yes, two) that I get to have tomorrow!
21- Everyday heroes, like police officers, fire-fighters, paramedics, etc. These people often risk everything for the lives of others.
22- Good books. I love to read and nothing beats having a free moment to curl up w/a good book :)
23- Public Education. It gets a lot of flack, but I'm glad it was there for me!
24- Along those same lines, I'm thankful for teachers. More specifically all the wonderful ones I have that inspired me to become a teacher myself!
25- The Seasons that we get to experience here in WV. I know not everyone gets to see snowy winters, rainy springs, hot summers, and cool autumns (with beautiful foliage), and I may complain about the weather, but I'm glad we get all 4 seasons here!
Alllrighty, all caught up plus one day! :)
Plans for Thanksgiving...
We're having the Dean family HERE at my house for Thanksgiving! Yikes! LOL THankfully, Brew's aunt Laura is doing the majority of the cooking, I'm just hosting (lol and making pumpkin pies, cheesy potatoes, and green beans :)
Thennn, in the evening we're going to my mom & dad's for the Greathouse gathering. Two dinners in one day, woo hoo!
Alrighty well I'm off to go finish cleaning! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! ♥
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