Anyway, Saturday we got up & ready, dropped Duke off at my brother's for the day, then headed to Morgantown! We ate brunch at Ihop (sort of a tradition- everytime we're up there we go to Ihop- in Parkersburg we are not fortunate to have an Ihop w/in an hour drive and we both LOVE it). Then we headed up to Cooper's Rock State Park/Forest for a little bit. We are just short of reaching the peak of fall foliage but it was pretty anyway!

Then we went over to the kids' I babysit's great-grandma's house (they let us park there, they live w/in walking distance of the stadium) and visited with them for a while. Emma & I had matching hats so we had to get a picture together :)

Then we headed to the game! It was really sunny/hot (thankfully I remembered sunscreen & a hat!) but we won by a landslide! :)

On our way home we stopped at Murial's, an awesome italian restaurant in Fairmont, then picked up Duke & headed home!
Today (Sunday) I was clogging at the Bob Evans Festival in Rio Grande, OH, so we headed down there this morning! Our shows went really well :) There are several clogging groups that perform there, and each group gets a 20min show for whatever, then there's a themed show where each group performs a song that goes w/the theme. This year the theme was Christmas (as you can see...)

All in all, great weekend. I've got some video clips in the works for later!
Now my hubby is hollering for me to come to bed so I'm off!
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