As promised here is a quick run-down of our visit with Stefani & Bas in Germany!
February 20-21We left Charleston airport around 7:30 pm. After fairly easy/uneventful flights (I even actually slept a few hours!) we arrived in Luxembourg the next day around 2pm (their time). Our last flight was delayed a bit though. Stef & Bas picked us up from the airport, (toting Hannie Jeane of course!) and we drove to Vianden Castle in Luxembourg.

We were a little jet-lagged that evening so had noooo trouble falling asleep lol.
February 22
Bas had the morning off only, so we all went into Luxembourg City. We enjoyed some of the sights there, then Bas headed to work.

Brew, Stef, Baby Johannah, and I spent the afternoon shopping in Lux City with Bas' mom. We stopped by her apartment in the afternoon (she has a separate apartment in the city she stays at during the week) and I enjoyed some good conversation w/Hannie Jeane ;)
February 23This day Bas worked the afternoon shift so we went to Saarburg, Germany in the morning. We visited the Saarschlife (river bend) and the town of Saarburg. It was FREEEEEZING but other than that it was fun ;)

February 24
This day Bas had the day off, so we all made a trip to Metz, France! It was nice, there's a beautiful cathedral we visited, and got some good pics from there!

On the way home, we stopped in Luxembourg at the U.S. Military Cemetery. It's where General Patton is buried.
February 25This day, Bas had to work day shift so in the morning, we took a little walk around Perl, Germany (the village Bas & Stef live in) In the afternoon we went back in town to Lux City do a little souvenir shopping. I didn't get any pics of Perl on my camera (only video). Brew took a couple on his phone but I don't have them on the computer yet.
February 26 This day we visited Trier, Germany's oldest city. It was really neat getting to see some things that were there from the time of the Romans.

February 27This was our final full day with the Smits :) It was also Johannah's church dedication. (Which, if you didn't know, we're her God parents) It was a nice service and little Hannie was a perfect baby the whole time :)

And I have to include this last picture because I loooooove it! ♥
February 28This was the day we headed back home! All flights were fine (no delays this time), all except the last 20 minutes of the flight from Frankfurt to DC. We hit some nasty turbulence and I almost barfed. Yeah. Realllly motion sick. But I made it without having to use the little paper bag. LOL.
We had a great trip! Thanks Stefani & Bas for letting us stay with you, eat your food, and being our personal tour guides! ;) Can't wait to see you all again when you come home this Spring!
And with that, my pasta is done so I'm gonna go finish making dinner!