Well it's been a while since I've written so I thought I should. Since I last wrote I went to the Outer Banks w/Nicole. It was a lot of fun. Pics are on my facebook and myspace.
So life is good now. I'm graduated as I posted previously. Right now I'm applying for literally every job that comes available. So far I think I've applied for 15(ish) jobs. I just got a TB test done (the lady told me I needed to have had it in the last 2 years, which I hadn't) and as soon as I get it read and turned in to the board office I can be up for approval to sub in the Fall. I'm not expecting to get a job right out of school because of the volume of applicants, but I would like to get at least an interview or two. I'm counting on subbing this coming school year. By the following year I am hoping to get a job, and then I'll expand my search to nearby counties, as well as Wood. I'm babysitting this summer, it's keeping me busy! I'm still working some at the Y too.
Things are wonderful with Brew. In a couple days we'll of been officially together for seven months. Time flies! And yes, we've even had the big "m" talk (lol- marriage in case you didn't get it). We talked about the time-table of everything. It's definitely in the future for us. Not super near future, but it's def. there. It may seem fast, but I've known and been friends with him for six years prior to dating, and I tell you it's a whole different ballgame w/him. It's like all those cliche's about fate and meant to be and just KNOWING that they are the one are true. I've never had that before. Even in my previous relationship I thought that's what I wanted, it seemed like the right next step to take. But it was nothing like I feel now. He just completes me.
Ok ok enough mushy stuff. Haha. I'm going to go try and do something productive with the rest of my day! I'll post again soon!